
Sustainable heat supply for cities

Shifting summer heat to winter use

BigSolar leistet einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Wärmewende. Hohe solare Anteile von bis zu 50 % für Städte mit einem Fernwärmenetz sind möglich. BigSolar ist eine intelligente Kombination aus solarthermischen Großkollektoren, einem saisonalen thermischen Energiespeicher und Absorptionswärmepumpen. Eine intelligente Regelungstechnik dieser fortschrittlichen hybriden Erzeugungstechnologien spiegelt das Wissen und die Kompetenz von SOLID wider. Ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz, wirtschaftlich wettbewerbsfähig für eine langfristige Substitution von fossilen Brennstoffen, Einsparung von Treibhausgas Emissionen, Spitzenlastmanagement und Abwärmeintegration.

BigSolar systems: revolutionising solar heat in Europe

In Europe, demand for heat is usually around 10 times larger in winter than in summer, when solar irradiation reaches its peak.

We already conducted some pre-feasibility and feasibility studies in different countries for towns of different sizes.

BigSolar plants integrate pit heat storages of an enormous size for storage of hot water up to around 90° C. The ratio storage/collector is totally different to systems with diurnal storage: systems with diurnal storage for domestic hot water and also solar district heating have around 50–100 liters of hot water storage per square meter of collector installed. BigSolar systems have 2000–5000 liters of storage per square meter collector.

Between May and August, a solar plant can meet all hot water needs. Therefore the district heating company running the solar plant can shut down boilers in order to significantly extend their useful lifetime.

Success Stories

This very promising technology is a rather new business field for SOLID. We already conducted some pre-feasibility and feasibility studies in different countries for towns of different sizes.

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