Incel Swimming Facility

Integration von Solarenergie: Wie das Flachdach eines Gebäudes zur umweltfreundlichen Wärmequelle wird

Municipal swimming facility in Banja Luka 2009

A new municipal swimming pool was built in 2009 in Banja Luka, Bosnia. Through the existing partnership of the city of Banja Luka with the city of Graz, SOLID was given the opportunity to plan and install a large-scale solar plant together with Solar Graz, a subsidiary of Energie Graz.

The heat generated by the solar collectors warms the heating water via a plate heat exchanger. The collectors are elevated on the flat roof of the building on a steel substructure.

Solar energy is stored in a 30 m³ steel tank. When the obtained solar thermal energy is not sufficient, the heat is supplied using a conventional water heater.

Technical Specifications

CO2 Savings
1 t/a

Collector area
1030 m²

30 m³

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