Dairy industry in California

Solar thermal energy for the dairy industry

Integration and use of solar thermal energy for drying processes in the food industry

Dairy Industry in California produces a wide range of high-quality dairy products for private label, foodservice, industrial and export markets. The company wanted to replace a portion of its energy needs with renewable energy sources. SOLID implemented an effective, long-term and sustainable solution.

For more than 20 years, this Southern California dairy has been producing butter, powdered milk, and drinking milk. The forward-thinking company wanted to move toward sustainability and integrate solar thermal energy into production. This opportunity arose in the area of drying processes.

Through SOLID’s contacts in the solar industry, contact was finally made with the customer, and from the first meeting to the signing of the contract, it went in record time. The project was supported by engineering, project management, plant construction and commissioning.

A collector area of 3,951 m2 was built. The large-scale solar thermal plant will supply the dairy with 2.8 MW from high-temperature flat-plate collectors. The aim is also to reduce CO2 emissions and save gas. The customer is a pioneer in the region and we hope that many others will follow its example.

Technical Specifications


Collector area
3951 m²

172.6 m³

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